Drunk Pecan Pie Bread Pudding

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Drunk Pecan Pie Bread Pudding considering Large Eggs, lighthearted Karo Syrup, close Cream, Butter, Vanilla Extract, Sugar, Dark Rum, Cubed Bread, Pecans, Butter, Sugar, Dark Rum, Water, Bread

The ingredient of Drunk Pecan Pie Bread Pudding

  • 6 large eggs beaten
  • 1 cup blithe karo syrup
  • 1 cup stuffy cream
  • 1 2 cup butter melted
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 4 cup dark rum or bourbon
  • 8 cups cubed bread use a hearty or oppressive stifling bread does not have to be stale or toasted
  • 1 cup pecans chopped or halved not speaking
  • 1 attach butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 4 cup dark rum or bourbon
  • 1 4 cup water if you nonappearance a oppressive stifling rum or bourbon expose omit water and use liquor in its place
  • bread

Nutritions of Drunk Pecan Pie Bread Pudding

@type: nutritioninformation
@type: 1090 calories
@type: 120 grams
@type: 305 milligrams
@type: 62 grams
@type: 3 grams
@type: 12 grams
@type: 29 grams
@type: 590 milligrams
@type: 72 grams