Croque Monsieur Strata

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Use up survival holdover Christmas ham in this super-easy and super-satisfying cheesy bake.

The ingredient of Croque Monsieur Strata

  • 550g loaf white sourdough bread u2028cut into 4cm pieces
  • 350g relic ham harshly roughly chopped u2028 from glazed ham see related recipe
  • 100g 1 cup coarsely grated gruyu00e8re
  • 40g 1 2 cup finely grated parmesan
  • 10 eggs
  • 375ml 1 1 2 cups milk
  • 125ml 1 2 cup thickened cream
  • 1 1 2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 2 bunch lively chives finely chopped
  • baby herbs to help

The Instruction of croque monsieur strata

  • preheat oven to 180c 160c devotee forced grease a 19 x 29cm base measurement ovenproof dish capably skillfully past butter move ahead half of the bread pieces on top of higher than the base of the prepared dish summit zenith later than three quarters of the ham sprinkle in the manner of half of the cheeses pinnacle following the long lasting bread pieces and scatter over the enduring surviving ham
  • demonstrate the eggs milk cream mustard u2028and chives together in a large jug season pour the egg blend evenly higher than the dish agree to stand for 30 minutes to soak sprinkle later than the unshakable cheese bake u2028for 1 hour or until golden and set cover subsequent to foil if overbrowning stand for 10 minutes assist sprinkled following baby herbs

Nutritions of Croque Monsieur Strata

calories: 666 332 calories
calories: 30 7 grams fat
calories: 14 6 grams saturated fat
calories: 58 9 grams carbohydrates
calories: 5 9 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 40 grams protein
calories: 366 milligrams cholesterol
calories: 1664 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation